Monday, 4 July 2011


A few chronological milestones have passed in the last few days. On Friday it was 8 whole weeks since the stem cell transplant. This means that it was 8 weeks the day before since getting the chemotherapy. Today marks the 6 week point since getting out of hospital. Beyond these chronological points I have to say that I'm really feeling damn fine. Yes of course I can't yet walk but I'm getting some competent physio sessions to hopefully address this. And yes, I do get tired during the day but that's to be expected for at least another month or so. I've been eating well since leaving hospital but this weekend I realised that I moved on a bit when I absolutely gorged myself with sourdough bread, all kinds of French dips followed by a large fillet steak and chips. I even ventured a large glass of red! Then on Sunday at a large family gathering I once again pigged out on the buffet, a double helping of strawberries and cream and then copious amounts of cake. Beyond the appetite I'm now thinking about going to work and probably will start plans to do so. I've also-noticed that I'm a lot stronger and can transfer from wheelchair to car, bed, etc without anywhere near the effort it once was. On top of this the most recent visit to hospital for a check up has been really positive and my visits have been lengthened to monthly now. So if anyone facing up to heavy dose chemo and stem cell transplant and should stumble across these blogs in the future, I say this to you, when all is black, and gloom is ever present, stay focussed it will get better even though right now it may not feel that it will.

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