Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Pre-flight checks and plans

Well, I've now had the bone marrow stem cell collection.  This involved having a tube stuck in my groin. Now this might sound like a major nightmare but I can tell you that after copious amounts of local anasthetic, I didn't even notice them doing it.  I should say mind you, I also had a nice dollop of intravenous sedative and to be honest, they could have pulled out my toenails and I wouldn't have batted an eyelid.  Once the line is in you are connected to this big impressive piece of kit that collects the good stem cells.  The process took about 4 hours a day for two days.  The collected cells have now been frozen.

Tomorrow I have to go to Oxford for the pre-flight checks prior to the heavy dose chemotherapy and subsequent stem cell transplant.  They'll be making sure I'm up to taking the battering that the chemo will undoubtedly inflict on me.  I hope I am up to it because whilst no one wants chemotherapy, its the only way of halting this nasty vile disease that has taken over my body.  Assuming its all ok, I go into the Churchill Hospital in Oxford on Wednesday May 4th. I will have chemotherapy the next day and the day after that I'll have the stem cell transplant.  I intend to blog as much as I can during this process, partly to help me through it but also to perhaps help others who may have to face this.  Watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts are with you Comrade, stay strong and keep smiling, which is how I always remember you, apart from the times you were pissed!!!!!

    Kindest regards

    David (Evans)
