Thursday, 2 June 2011

An under estimation

This is for anyone who might find themselves having to undergo heavy dose chemo and bone marrow transplant. You might find that you'll be told that the treatment will result in the worst few weeks of your life. It will be without mistake! You'll puke and piss and you will shit the bed a lot. You won't be able to eat because your mouth will be full of ulcers and everything will taste and feel like cardboard. But what about when, and it will, this all passes over and you go home? No one really prepares you for the way you will feel once out. You've spent 3 weeks in your own room, a room that felt like a safe refuge when you couldn't control your bowels but now, your over that and the boredom of the solitary room sets in and lasts until you go home. You will feel like you've been released but you will also still be ill and in need of recovery. The treatment will have taken a fair bit of weight with it and you'll be weak. You'll also feel very down. So down you'll have really dark thoughts. They will pass with loving care at home and good friends backing you all the way. You'll need to be prepared that you aren't gonna be sweetness and light, you will still be bored because nothing will interest you for more than a few minutes. These things will pass on time as you gradually get better day by day. No one prepared me for this. I thought I'd be out and about once I'd done my "worst few weeks of my life" in hospital. But there are more struggles ahead as youf body restarts after the chemo killed it. Hopefully this piece might help you one day. body r

1 comment:

  1. this was what I meant by patience mart, and being nice to yourself, it will all take time and it takes all of us different time scales to reboot, so to speak .Poison is a good description but what choices do we have. be strong mart. I always saw it as collateral damage. No other options.I suffered from what they term chemo brain which destroyed any sense i ever had. big shock but who knows at the beginning how things will happen. They make you very ill to make you better. I got quite resentful of this at times. Is there nothing you always wanted to take up and never had time. I took up crochet for f..s sake but it kept me sane by occupying my brain and hands and even that was exhausting. got to keep sane and I didn't think when I was crocheting. simple but effective diversion technique but I still retreat in times of stress to stitch bitch. Keep the faith mart, love to you and yours, Lyn x x x
