I was saddened to hear of the death of an old motorcycling mate today. RIP Jason.
In terms of what this blog is generally about, that is my disease and the war against it, it's been an unremarkable day. I couldn't face the fry up this morning, opting instead for rice krispies. Everything tastes of cardboard and apparently thats due to the treatment rather than the bland hospital food. I wonder how much it's a combination though? I've been suffering with back ache and I've had some oral morphine today. It has helped a bit and the nurses have also fitted a nice mattress topper for me. I really need to sleep tonight. On the upside of things, Laura and the kids were here earlier and then my good mate Sean arrived and we've had a bloody good laugh for a few hours. He's also made me tea and toast!
So that's today.
You forgot to tell everyone that you smell of sweetcorn!!! Was like kissing a corn on the cob xxx